Selection control
Check Box
A simple parameter providing a bool value (True or False)
Radio Button
A parameter allowing a single choice and providing a corresponding value, which can be either
integer, float or string. The <Parameter>
node with the value type RadioGroup groups the child
nodes with the type RadioButton and is the value holder for the value of the selected
radio button. Within the PythonPart script (py-file), the selected value is then also accessed via this parameter.
Named tuple
It's also possible to create the RadioButton from a list of namedtuples.
<Value>[_]</Value> <!--(1)!-->
- The values are filled dynamically in a script. See example PythonPart.
Check out the examples provided in:
- …\etc\Examples\PythonParts\PaletteExamples\RadioButtons.pyp
- …\etc\PythonPartsExampleScripts\PaletteExamples\