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  • Handles are another way of parameter input.
  • To learn how to define one, go here
  • To learn how to process the event of moving a handle correctly, go here


Handles allow the PythonPart user to edit the geometry (and sometimes also other properties) directly in the model view. Common examples are:

  • changing a dimension with dimension handle
  • define a coordinate with coordinate handle
  • execute action with button handle
  • hiding or displaying a component with checkbox handle
  • increment a dimension with increment handle
  • input an angle with rotation handle

A handle is always assigned to at least one PythonPart parameter. It consists if two elements: a handle (the blue circle the user can drag) and an input field. You can show/hide both elements independently.


Handle as a whole is represented by the class HandleProperties. Defining a handle means defining following properties:

  • Reference point is the anchor of the handle. It's a Point3D
  • Handle point is where the handle is located. The calculations are then done based on the vector going from reference point to handle point.
  • Handle type tells, how the handle looks like. All the options are in the enumeration ElementHandleType. By default a handle is a circle (ElementHandleType.HANDLE_CIRCLE). Following layouts are possible:

    Layout Type
    Handle arrow HANDLE_ARROW
    Handle circle HANDLE_CIRCLE
    Handle square blue HANDLE_SQUARE_BLUE
    Handle square empty HANDLE_SQUARE_EMPTY
    Handle square red HANDLE_SQUARE_RED
    Handle square right HANDLE_SQUARE_RIGHT
  • Handle parameter data describes the connection between the handle and a parameter. In other words, how the value of the parameter should be calculated, when the handle is moved to a new position. It is represented by the HandleParameterData class. A handle can be connected to multiple parameters, which means that moving it will change the value of all connected parameters (see example coordinate handle).

  • Handle direction describes the direction, in which the handle can be moved. The enumeration class HandleDirection contains all the available options

The graph below shows the complete composition of the HandleProperties class.

    direction BT

class Point3D {
    float X
    float Y
    float Z
class ElementHandleType{
class HandleDirection{
class HandleParameterType{
class HandleParameterData{
    +str param_prop_name
    +HandleParameterType param_type
class HandleProperties{
    +str handle_id
    +Point3D handle_point
    +Point3D ref_point
    +List[HandleParameterData] parameter_data
    +HandleDirection handle_move_dir
    +ElementHandleType handle_type

Point3D --o "2" HandleProperties
ElementHandleType --o "1" HandleProperties
HandleDirection --o "1" HandleProperties
HandleParameterData --o "1..*" HandleProperties
HandleParameterType --o "1" HandleParameterData


Dimension handle

Let's say we have a simple geometry (a cube), and we want to let the user control a single dimension of it (the height) with a handle. The implementation can look like this:

handle_parameter_data = HandleParameterData("CubeHeight", HandleParameterType.Z_DISTANCE) #(1)!

handle_height = HandleProperties("HeightHandle",
                                AllplanGeo.Point3D(0,0, build_ele.CubeHeight.value),
                                [handle_parameter_data], #(2)!
                                HandleDirection.Z_DIR) #(3)!

  1. The handle is connected here to the parameter CubeHeight with the Z_DISTANCE recalculation method, meaning that after every handle modification a distance vector between reference point and handle point is calculated and only the Z component is being put back a value to the parameter CubeHeigth.
  2. Here we could let one handle affect several parameters in the property palette, each in a different way.
  3. The handle should move only in local Z-direction of our PythonPart.

Coordinate handle

Let's say, we want to let the user control the ground view dimensions (length and width) of the PythonPart with a single handle.


handle_parameter_data_list = [HandleParameterData("CubeLength", 
                                                    False), #(3)!
                                                    False)] #(1)!

handle_length_width =  HandleProperties("LengthWidthHandle",

handle_length_width.info_text = "Ground view dimensions" #(2)!
  1. Two parameters should be assigned to this handle therefore a list is defined here.
  2. The string in the optional parameter info_text will be displayed ever time the user hovers the handle with the mouse.
  3. Unlike in the first example, the input field in the model view is hidden.

Button handle

Let's say we want the handle to perform some action (mirroring the object). We can place a button in the palette or define a button handle, visible directly in the model view to do that.

  1. To be able to temporarily save the mirrored-status of the PythonPart a hidden parameter must be defined. In an Interactor PythonPart we could save this information ex. in a property of the interactor class.
mirror_handle = HandleProperties("MirrorCuboid", 
                                    [], #(1)!
                                    HandleDirection.CLICK) #(2)!

mirror_handle.handle_type  = AllplanIFW.ElementHandleType.HANDLE_ARROW
mirror_handle.info_text    = "Mirror the cuboid"
mirror_handle.handle_angle = rot_angle #(3)!

  1. Note that no parameter is assigned to the handle. The handle processing is done entirely in move_handle() function by the assigned handle ID MirrorCuboid.
  2. By assigning the handle direction CLICK the handle cannot be moved. The move_handle() is called, when the handle is clicked.
  3. The handle is rotated in XY plane to align with the rotation of the object.
def move_handle(build_ele,
                handle_prop: HandleProperties,
                input_pnt: AllplanGeo.Point3D,
                doc: AllplanEleAdapter.DocumentAdapter):

if handle_prop.handle_id == "MirrorCuboid": #(1)!
    build_ele.MirrorCuboid.value = not build_ele.MirrorCuboid.value #(2)!

return create_element(build_ele, doc)
  1. The name of the handle is stored in the property handle_id
  2. We use an invisible parameter to temporarily save the mirrored status. The value of the parameter is changed here every time the handle is clicked.

List parameter

Let's say we have a parameter defined as a python list containing Point3D and we want to define a handle for each of these points.

handle_list = []

for index, pnt in enumerate(build_ele.PolyPoints.value): #(2)!

    handle_param_data = HandleParameterData("PolyPoints",
                                            False, #(4)!
                                            list_index = index) #(1)!


    handle_list[-1].info_text = "Point " + str(index + 1) #(3)!
  1. As the parameter is defined as list, this argument is now required. The parameter PolyPoints is a one-dimensional list, therefore the list_index is an integer. In case of a two-dimensional list, a list of two integer values must be provided: [index_row, index_column].
  2. As separate handle must be generated for each point, implementation in a loop is the best solution.
  3. Here we change the info text for the appended handle.
  4. We don't want the input fields to be shown for these handles.

Value decrement / increment

Let's say we do not want to allow the user to set a value of a certain parameter (ex. wall thickness) freely, but only increment or decrement it by 100 mm instead.

  1. We do want the thickness to increment in 100 mm steps, therefore we also need to constrain the parameter in the property palette separately. Otherwise, the user could change the thickness freely using the palette.
#---------- incrementation handle

increm_handle_param_data = [HandleParameterData("Thickness", #(1)!
                                                in_decrement_value = 100.)]

increment_handle = HandleProperties(handle_id=          "IncrementHandle",
                                    handle_point=       point2 + AllplanGeo.Point3D(200, 100, 0),
                                    ref_point=          AllplanGeo.Point3D(), #(2)!
                                    handle_param_data=  increm_handle_param_data,
                                    handle_move_dir=    HandleDirection.CLICK #(3)!
                                    info_text=          "Increment thickness by 0.1m") 


#---------- decrementation handle

decrem_handle_param_data = [HandleParameterData("Thickness", #(4)!
                                                in_decrement_value = 100.)]

decrement_handle = HandleProperties(handle_id=          "DecrementHandle",
                                    handle_point=       point2 + AllplanGeo.Point3D(200, -100, 0), 
                                    ref_point=          AllplanGeo.Point3D(),
                                    handle_param_data=  decrem_handle_param_data,
                                    handle_move_dir=    HandleDirection.CLICK,
                                    info_text=          "Decrement thickness by 0.1m")

decrement_handle.handle_angle = AllplanGeo.Angle(math.pi)

  1. Defining the handle parameter type this way implies adding the value of 100 mm to the parameter thickness.
  2. In case of a button handle, this argument is not relevant and can be set to (0,0,0).
  3. The increment button can be clicked, but not moved. This behaviour is defined here.
  4. Decrementing a value is a different recaltulation behaviour therefore a separate handle must be defined for that and it must be assigned to the same thickness parameter.

Rotation handle

Let's say we want to allow the user to input an angle (ex. to rotate a geometry) using handle. In this case we need to implement a handle like this:

        <Text>Z rotation</Text>
rot_handle_param_data = HandleParameterData("RotAngleZ", 
                                            HandleParameterType.ANGLE) #(1)!

handle_z_rot = HandleProperties(handle_id=          "Z_Rotation",
                                handle_point=       poly_points[1], #(2)!
                                ref_point=          poly_points[1], #(3)!
                                handle_param_data=  [rot_handle_param_data],
                                handle_move_dir=    HandleDirection.ANGLE, #(4)!
                                abs_value=          True,
                                info_text=          "Z rotation handle")

handle_z_rot.info_text = "Z rotation handle"

  1. This option implies, that an angle value is being calculated between handle_point and ref_point
  2. The handle will be drawn in this point.
  3. Reference point for the value calculation. The value of the angle will be calculated between the local X-axis with the origin in the ref_point, and the line going through the ref_point and the handle_point. This implies a rotation around the local Z-Axis. By default, the directions of the local axes are the same as the global one and can be changed by providing an optional argument angle_placement, ex. like this:

    angle_placement = AllplanGeo.AxisPlacement3D(AllplanGeo.Point3D(),
                                                    AllplanGeo.Vector3D(1000, 0, 0),
                                                    AllplanGeo.Vector3D(0, -1000, 0))
  4. A handle can be moved in any direction, just like with XYZ_DIR, but an arc with arrow will be drawn when hovering with the mouse over the handle to indicate a rotation.

Example on GitHub

All the code snippets shown above comes from the example Handles ( PYP | PY).


In standard PythonPart


In order to create a standard PythonPart with handles, construct one HandleProperties object per each handle and put them in a list:

handle_1 = HandleProperties(...)
handle_2 = HandleProperties(...)

handle_list = [handle_1, handle_2]

Then, assign this list to the handles attribute of the CreateElementResult object, returned at the end of the create_element() function:

def create_element(build_ele, doc):
    return CreateElementResult(elements = model_elements_list,
                               handles =  handle_list)


After every handle modification, the new value of the property must be written back in the property palette and the element must be recreated. To handle this process, implement the function move_handle() in your script. Use the HandlePropertiesService to update the parameter values


def move_handle(build_ele,
                handle_prop: HandleProperties,
                input_pnt:   NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point3D,
                doc:         NemAll_Python_IFW_ElementAdapter.DocumentAdapter):
    if handle_prop.handle_id == #(1)!
        build_ele.MirrorCuboid.value = not build_ele.MirrorCuboid.value

        HandlePropertiesService.update_property_value(build_ele, handle_prop, input_pnt) #(3)!

    return create_element(build_ele, doc) #(2)!
  1. You can process a specific handle (in this case the MirrorCuboid handle) differently. as the framework gives the handle name to the move_handle() function.
  2. The PythonPart must be recalculated with every movement of the handle.
  3. For a standard case you just need to implement this line of code in the move_handle function. The update_property_value method updates the values in the property palette after the handle is modified.

In Script Object

In a script object, handle implementation looks exactly the same, as in a standard PythonPart (see above), with one exception: instead of implementing the creation in create_element(), implement it in the execute().

Processing the event of a handle being moved is done in the move_handle method of your ScriptObject class. The method is called constantly when the handle is moved (not only once, when the modification is done). Like in a standard PythonPart, use the HandlePropertiesService to update the parameter values of the BuildingElement. At the end, call the execute method to recalculate the geometry with these new values:

def move_handle(self,
                handle_prop: HandleProperties,
                input_pnt  : AllplanGeo.Point3D) -> CreateElementResult:

    HandlePropertiesService.update_property_value(self.build_ele, handle_prop, input_pnt)

    return self.execute()


The complete implementation is shown in the PythonPart Handles, located in:

  • ...\Etc\PythonPartsExampleScripts\BasisExamples\General\
  • ...\Etc\Examples\PythonParts\BasisExamples\General\Handles.pyp

In interactor

In an interactor, each mouse movement and mouse click has to be processed. The same applies to moving and clicking on a handle. The class for the job is HandleModificationService.

Here is a typical standard PythonPart workflow:

flowchart TB
    start((Start)) --> Placement["PLACEMENT"]
    Placement -- "Place PythonPart" --> Input["PARAMETER INPUT"]
    Input --"Grab 
             a handle"--> HandleMod["HANDLE MODIFICATION"]
    HandleMod --"Drop a 
                 handle" --> Input
    HandleMod --"Press ESC" --> Input
    Placement --"Press ESC"--> stop((stop))
    Input --"Press ESC"--> stop((stop))

Following instruction will guide you, how to implement it in an interactor and process the handles correctly.

There are three states, in which a PythonPart can find itself: Placement, Parameter input, and handle modification (see enumeration class InteractorInputMode). This is how you should implement these three states and the transition between them:

  • Start: At the very beginning (in the __init__()) start the HandleModificationService:

    def __init__(...):
        self.handle_modi_service = HandleModificationService(coord_input, 
  • PLACEMENT - now PythonPart follows the mouse cursor. Nothing to do here up to the point, when the user clicks to place the PythonPart. In this moment, handles must be shown. Call start() to do so:

    def process_mouse_msg(self, mouse_msg, pnt, msg_info):
        if self.coord_input.IsMouseMove(mouse_msg):
            return True
        # code below this line is executed only when mouse is clicked
        if self.input_mode == self.InteractorInputMode.PLACEMENT:
            self.handle_modi_service.start(self.handles, #(2)!
            self.coord_input.InitFirstPointInput(AllplanIFWInput.InputStringConvert("Select handle"))
            self.input_mode = self.InteractorInputMode.PARAMETER_INPUT #(1)!
        return True
    1. Transition to the state PARAMETER INPUT
    2. This shows the handles. Here is where you should pass the list of handles. Learn above how to create this list.
  • PARAMETER INPUT - now PythonPart is placed in a certain point. It does not follow the mouse any more. The user can input parameter values in the property palette OR grab a handle and move it. The latter must be handled in the process_mouse_msg method as follows:

    def process_mouse_msg(self, mouse_msg, pnt, msg_info):
        # handling mouse move
        if self.input_mode == self.InteractorInputMode.PLACEMENT:
            handle_grabbed = self.handle_modi_service.process_mouse_msg(mouse_msg, pnt, msg_info) #(2)!
        if self.coord_input.IsMouseMove(mouse_msg):
            return True
        # code below this line is executed only when mouse is clicked
        if self.input_mode == self.InteractorInputMode.PLACEMENT:
        elif self.input_mode == self.InteractorInputMode.PARAMETER_INPUT and handle_grabbed:
            self.handle_modi_service.start_new_handle_point_input(self.global_str_table_service) #(3)!
            self.input_mode = self.InteractorInputMode.HANDLE_MODIFY #(4)!
        return True
    1. In this mode, no handles are shown so regarding handles there's nothing to do here.
    2. This call processes the mouse movement. It highlights the handle, when the mouse hovers over it. When the handle is grabbed, the function will return True
    3. This call makes the handle "follow" the mouse cursor.
    4. Transition to the state HANDLE MODIFY

    When at this stage the user presses Esc, the handles need to be destroyed correctly. This must be handled in the on_cancel_function by calling stop(), like:

    def on_cancel_function(self) -> bool:
        if self.input_mode == self.InteractorInputMode.PARAMETER_INPUT:
        return True
  • HANDLE MODIFICATION - now the handle follows the mouse. The user can drop it in a new position by clicking again. This must be handled as follows:

    def process_mouse_msg(self, mouse_msg, pnt, msg_info):
        if self.coord_input.IsMouseMove(mouse_msg):
            return True
        # code below this line is executed only when mouse is clicked
        if self.input_mode == self.InteractorInputMode.PLACEMENT:
        elif self.input_mode == self.InteractorInputMode.PARAMETER_INPUT and handle_grabbed:
        elif self.input_mode == self.InteractorInputMode.HANDLE_MODIFY:
            self.palette_service.update_palette(-1, True) #(1)!
            self.handle_modi_service.start(self.handles,  #(2)!
            self.input_mode = self.InteractorInputMode.PARAMETER_INPUT  #(3)!
        return True
    1. When the handle is dropped, a new parameter value is calculated and must be shown in the palette. Therefore, the palette must be updated.
    2. The handles must be shown again.
    3. Transition to the state PARAMETER INPUT

    When at this stage the user presses Esc, the handle should be dropped and the PythonPart must be restored to the initial state (before grabbing the handle), but not terminated! This must be handled in the on_cancel_function, like:

    def on_cancel_function(self) -> bool:
        if self.input_mode == self.InteractorInputMode.PARAMETER_INPUT:
        elif self.input_mode == self.InteractorInputMode.HANDLE_MODIFY:
            self.handle_modi_service.reset_value() #(1)!
            self.input_mode = self.InteractorInputMode.PARAMETER_INPUT  #(2)!
            return False  #(3)!
    1. This resets the parameter values to the state before grabbing the handle
    2. Transition to the state PARAMETER_INPUT
    3. After all, PythonPart should continue to run, so return False.

Modification mode

In the modification mode, the state PLACEMENT is skipped. What you need to do instead, is to show the handles right away, in the __init__() function:

def __init__(...):
    if self.modification_element_list.is_modification_element():
        self.input_mode = self.InteractorInputMode.PARAMETER_INPUT #(1)!
  1. Transition to the state PARAMETER_INPUT right away


IMPORTANT: Put the above code after showing the palette! Otherwise, the min-max values constraining the handles are not calculated correctly.

Handling special cases

Theoretically, while a handle is grabbed the user can do some input in the property palette. Confirming the input (pressing Enter) should result in the handle being dropped. You can handle this in the modify_element_property as follows:

def modify_element_property(self, page, name, value):
    if self.input_mode == self.InteractorInputMode.HANDLE_MODIFY:
        self.input_mode = self.InteractorInputMode.PARAMETER_INPUT

The other special case is when the user modifies the handle not by grabbing it, but by input in the handle's input field. This case is also handled by the modify_element_property event. What you must do, is update the palette, since the handle modification may have changed some of the values. You can implement it as follows:

def modify_element_property(self, page, name, value):
    if name == "___SubmitChanges___":  #(1)!
        self.palette_service.update_palette(-1, True)
        return #(2)!
  1. When a property has been modified using a handle's input field, the name will be like this
  2. Nothing else to do in this case. You can return from the function at this stage and place your other interactor logic below this return statement.

Example on GitHub

A full implementation of the HandleModificationService processing, including how to start and stop the handle input, is shown in the example HandleUsageInInteractor ( PYP | PY)
