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Canonical path: NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionRayPolyhedron

Class containing the calculation results of the IntersectRayPolyhedron function

FaceIdx property writable

FaceIdx: int

face index of the face of the best intersection (if found, not unique) beginning from 0

FaceNv property writable

FaceNv: Vector3D

normal vector of best-intersected face (if found, not unique)

IntersectionPoint property writable

IntersectionPoint: Point3D

intersection point (if found)

Lambda property writable

Lambda: float

Distance from the ray origin to the intersection point (negative if the ray is directed away from the polyhedron)

RetCode property writable

RetCode: int
0: no inters.,

1: pos. inters. found,

-1: only neg. inters. found


__init__(element: IntersectionRayPolyhedron)

Copy constructor



__repr__() -> str

Convert to string
