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ALLPLAN elements

AllplanElement is an abstract representation of basically any component that can be created in a DF, from a simple 2D line to a multi-layer wall. It serves as base for all other classes and has attributes common for all types of model elements, such as format properties or a geometry.

The next level of specialization are classes, that inherits from AllplanElement. Below is an overview of them:

  • Basis elements

    BasisElement represents generic elements, such as lines, dimension lines, hatches or 3D objects.

    Learn more below

  • Architecture

    ArchElement represents all architectural elements like walls, slabs, beams and columns.

    Learn more below

  • Precast

    PrecastElement represents all elements from the precast module like fixtures or assembly groups.

    Learn more below

  • Reinforcement

    ReinfElement represents reinforcement components, like rebars, meshes and couplers.

    Learn more in a separate article


There are also elements, that do not fit into any of the above mentioned categories. These inherit directly from AllplanElement class. An example of such element is the UVS, which is represented by the ViewSectionElement class.

direction BT

class AllplanElement{
    +CommonProperties CommonProperties
    +Attributes Attributes
    +GeometryObject Any
    +LabelElements list[LabelElement]

class ReinfElement{

class ArchElement{
    +ConnectionUUID GUID

class BasisElement{

class PrecastElement{

class ViewSectionElement{

ReinfElement --|> AllplanElement
BasisElement --|> AllplanElement
ArchElement --|> AllplanElement
PrecastElement --|> AllplanElement
ViewSectionElement --|> AllplanElement

style AllplanElement stroke:--md-accent-fg-color, stroke-dasharray: 9 5
style ArchElement stroke:--md-accent-fg-color, stroke-dasharray: 9 5
style ReinfElement stroke:--md-accent-fg-color, stroke-dasharray: 9 5
style BasisElement stroke:--md-accent-fg-color, stroke-dasharray: 9 5
style PrecastElement stroke:--md-accent-fg-color, stroke-dasharray: 9 5


Any object, that is an AllplanElement can be put in the modelEleList and created in the DF using CreateElements function.

Basis elements

BasisElement is an abstract representation of generic elements such as lines, 3D-objects, hatchings or dimension lines. An element object usually has properties object of a dedicated class (like FillingElement has1 properties represented by FillingProperties).

The table 3 below gives you an overview of the most common basis elements as they are presented in ALLPLAN GUI together with their representation in the ALLPLAN Python API.

ALLPLAN element API representation Read4 Modify5 Remarks
3DObj 3D object ModelElement3D Geometry must be a Polyhedron3D
3DLine 3D line ModelElement3D Geometry must be a Line3D
Circle Circle ModelElement2D Geometry must be an Arc2D
DimLine Dimension line DimensionLineElement -
ElLine Elevation point ElevationElement -
Fill Fill FillingElement -
3DObjGen General 3D object ModelElement3D Geometry must be a BRep3D
Hatching Hatching HatchingElement -
Label Label LabelElement -
Line Line ModelElement2D Geometry must be a Line2D
Symbol Library symbol LibraryElement Learn more below
PointSymbol Point symbol Symbol2DElement -
Pattern Pattern PatternElement -
TerrainPnt Terrain point Symbol3DElement -
Text Text TextElement -

The UML diagram below shows the relationships between some of the classes from the table above. Showing all of them will make it unreadable. The relationship patterns does not differ much among them.

direction BT

class AllplanElement{
    +CommonProperties CommonProperties
    +Attributes Attributes
    +GeometryObject Any
    +LabelElements list[LabelElement]

class BasisElement{

class FillingElement{

class FillingProperties{

class TextElement{
    +Text str

class TextProperties{
    +Alignment int
    +Font int
    +Width float

class ModelElement3D{

class ModelElement2D{

class DimensionLineElement{

class ElevationElement

class DimensionProperties{

class LibraryElement {

class LibraryElementProperties{

BasisElement --|> AllplanElement
FillingElement --|> BasisElement
FillingProperties "1" --o "*" FillingElement
TextElement --|> BasisElement
TextProperties "1" --o "*" TextElement
ModelElement3D --|> BasisElement
ModelElement2D --|> BasisElement
DimensionLineElement --|> BasisElement
ElevationElement --|> DimensionLineElement
DimensionProperties "1" --o "*" DimensionLineElement
DimensionProperties "1" --o "*" ElevationElement
LibraryElement --|> BasisElement
LibraryElementProperties "1" --o "*" LibraryElement

style AllplanElement stroke:--md-accent-fg-color, stroke-dasharray: 9 5
style BasisElement stroke:--md-accent-fg-color, stroke-dasharray: 9 5


To create a simple cube with current format properties, define it's geometry and construct the ModelElement3D

model_element_3d = AllplanBasisElements.ModelElement3D()

model_element_3d.GeometryObject = AllplanGeo.Polyhedron3D.CreateCuboid(1000,1000,1000)
model_element_3d.CommonProperties = AllplanSettings.AllplanGlobalSettings.GetCurrentCommonProperties()

The model_element_3d can be put into the CreateElementResult data class (if your PythonPart is implemented as script object or a standard PythonPart) or created directly with CreateElements function.

Examples on GitHub

To see the full implementation of the above mentioned classes, have a look on the examples in ...BasisExamples/Objects ( PYP | PY).

Library elements

Elements saved in the ALLPLAN library are represented by the LibraryElement class. Currently, following element types can be accessed by the API:

  • symbols
  • smart symbols (macros)
  • fixtures

To do that, a LibraryElement object must be constructed using appropriate LibraryElementProperties. These are defined differently depending on the type of the library element.

To place a symbol or a smart symbol, you must specify the absolute path to the .sym or .nmk file:

path = r"c:\Data\Allplan\2025\std\Library\2D Objects\Exterior\2D animals\Cat.sym" #(1)!

library_element_properties = AllplanBasisElements.LibraryElementProperties(
    fullPathName    =  path,
    elementType     =  AllplanBasisElements.LibraryElementType.eSymbol, #(2)!
    placementMatrix =  AllplanGeo.Matrix3D()) #(3)!

library_element = AllplanBasisElements.LibraryElement(library_element_properties)
  1. The method get_global_standard_path will help you get an absolute path (like C:\Data\...\std\Library\... out of a relative path beginning with a keyword like STD\Library\...)
  2. Set the type accordingly: eSymbol for a symbol (.sym) or eSmartSymbol for smart symbol (.nmk)
  3. When you want to place the same (smart)symbol multiple times on different locations, instead of a single Matrix3D, provide a list of placement matrices (Matrix3DList). This will speed up the process significantly.

When accessing a fixture from the library, provide the absolute path to the .pfx or .lfx file as the fourth argument, leaving the first three empty, like this:

library_element_properties = AllplanBasisElements.LibraryElementProperties(
    "", "", "", fixture_path, #(1)!
    AllplanGeo.Matrix3D()) #(2)!
  1. The method get_global_standard_path will help you get an absolute path (like C:\ProgramData\...\std\Library\... out of a relative path beginning with a keyword like STD\Library\...)
  2. When you want to place the same fixture multiple times on different locations, instead of a single Matrix3D, provide a list of placement matrices (Matrix3DList). This will speed up the process significantly.

When accessing a fixture from the legacy catalog, provide the path, group and element in the LibraryElementProperties constructor, like this:

fixture = build_ele.Fixture.value #(1)!

library_element_properties = AllplanBasisElements.LibraryElementProperties(
    path            = fixture.Path,
    group           = fixture.Group,
    element         = fixture.Element,
    elementType     = AllplanBasisElements.LibraryElementType.eFixture,
    placementMatrix = AllplanGeo.Matrix3D())
  1. If you defined the parameter Fixture in the .pyp file, as described here, the Fixture.value will be a FixtureProperties object and will contain path, group and element properties. You can, of course, construct the object yourself.

In case of a line or plane fixture, at this point you have to specify a polyline using the SetPolyline method:

fixture_pol = AllplanGeo.Polyline3D()
fixture_pol += AllplanGeo.Point3D()
fixture_pol += AllplanGeo.Point3D(1500, 0, 0)
fixture_pol += AllplanGeo.Point3D(2500, 2000, 0)

library_fixture_element = AllplanBasisElements.LibraryElement(library_element_properties)

Now, you can construct the LibraryElement:

library_fixture_element = AllplanBasisElements.LibraryElement(library_element_properties)

The created LibraryElement object can then directly be appended to the elements property of the CreateElementResult data class (in case of Standard PythonPart) or to the model_ele_list argument of the PythonPartTransaction.execute() method (in case of Interactor PythonPart).

Example on GitHub

To see the full implementation, refer to the example LibraryDialogs ( PYP | PY). It also shows, how to implement dialogs for ALLPLAN library.

Appending to a PythonPart

For a library element to be an integral part of a PythonPart, it must be appended to it as a child object. For that purpose, the PythonPartUtil offers the method add_library_elements. Refer to the article about PythonParts to learn more about appending child elements to a PythonPart.


Bounding Box

If the PythonPart should solely consists of a library element, it is advisable to create at least a bounding box around it as an unprintable help construction and add it to the PythonPart container with add_pythonpart_view_2d3d. As a result, the user is still able to modify the PythonPart by double-click on the bounding box, whereas the library element remains a child-element of the PythonPart.

Example on GitHub

The example SymbolLibraryElement ( PYP | PY) shows, how to append a library symbol to a PythonPart, that should consist only of this symbol, and a bounding box.

Architecture elements

The abstraction of all architecture elements is the class ArchElement. All non-abstract classes representing positive components, like beam, walls, etc. as well as negative components, like window opening, inherit from it. Like basis element, an architectural element any has1 properties represented by a dedicated class. There is an abstraction of these specialized property classes called ArchBaseProperties. These are properties common for all kinds of architectural components.

For the sake of this article, let's divide the architectural components into two main groups:

  • Primary components

    Components, that can exist on their own and does not rely on the existence of another component. E.g., walls, columns, slabs or beams.

    Learn more below

  • Secondary components

    Components that can only live within another component. E.g. a door opening can only exist in a wall. Deleting the wall will result in deletion of the opening.

    Learn more below

Primary components

The primary components are the one, that can exist alone. The typical examples are walls, beams, slabs or columns. The table below gives you an overview of the most common components as they are presented in ALLPLAN GUI together with their representation in the ALLPLAN Python API.

ALLPLAN element API representation Read4 Modify5 Geometry
Beam Downstand Beam, Upstand Beam BeamElement Line2D, Arc2D or any 2D curve
Block foundation Block foundation BlockFoundationElement Point2D
SF_Beam Structural framing beam StructuralBeamElement Point3D for start and end point
SF_Brace Structural framing brace StructuralBraceElement Point3D for start and end point
Column Column ColumnElement Point2D
SF_Column Structural framing column StructuralColumnElement Point3D
Room Room RoomElement Polygon2D
Slab Slab SlabElement Polygon2D
Strip foundation Strip foundation StripFoundationElement Line2D, Arc2D or any 2D curve
Wall Wall WallElement Line2D, Arc2D or any 2D curve

The following class diagram shows the relationships between classes representing following components: beams, columns, rooms, slabs and walls.

direction BT

class AllplanElement{
    +CommonProperties CommonProperties
    +Attributes Attributes
    +GeometryObject Any
    +LabelElements list[LabelElement]

class ArchElement{

class ArchBaseProperties{

class BeamElement{

class BeamProperties{

class AxisProperties{

class ColumnElement{

class ColumnProperties

class VerticalElementProperties{

class RoomElement{

class RoomProperties{

class SlabElement{

class SlabProperties{

class WallElement{

class WallProperties{

class WallTierProperties{

WallElement --|> ArchElement
ArchElement --|> AllplanElement
BeamElement --|> ArchElement
ColumnElement --|> ArchElement
RoomElement --|> ArchElement
SlabElement --|> ArchElement

WallProperties "1" --o "*" WallElement
WallTierProperties "1..n" --* "1" WallProperties

AxisProperties "1" --o "*" BeamProperties
AxisProperties "1" --o "*" WallProperties

VerticalElementProperties <|-- ColumnProperties
ArchBaseProperties <|-- VerticalElementProperties
ArchBaseProperties <|-- BeamProperties
ArchBaseProperties <|-- SlabProperties
ArchBaseProperties <|-- RoomProperties
ArchBaseProperties <|-- WallTierProperties

BeamProperties "1" --o "*" BeamElement
ColumnProperties "1" --o "*" ColumnElement
RoomProperties "1" --o "*" RoomElement
SlabProperties "1" --o "*" SlabElement

style AllplanElement stroke:--md-accent-fg-color, stroke-dasharray: 9 5
style ArchElement stroke:--md-accent-fg-color, stroke-dasharray: 9 5
style ArchBaseProperties stroke:--md-accent-fg-color, stroke-dasharray: 9 5
style VerticalElementProperties stroke:--md-accent-fg-color, stroke-dasharray: 9 5

Here are the key outtakes from the above diagram:

  • The look of an architectural component is defined not only in CommonProperties (pen, stroke and color), but also in the ArchBaseProperties (hatch, filling, surface).
  • The geometry of an architectural component is usually defined by a 2-dimensional object (line, polygon, etc.). The PlaneReferences define, how the component behaves in Z direction.
  • Each wall layer has its own WallTierProperties that inherits from ArchBaseProperties. This means that each layer can look differently and have different height.


To create a beam, you need the BeamElement. From the diagram above we can tell that it has BeamProperties, which on the other hand has AxisProperties. Go from the latter to the first one. To keep the example simple, we skip most of the not-required properties.

axis_prop           = AllplanArchElements.AxisProperties()
axis_prop.Extension = -1    #(1)!
axis_prop.Position  = AllplanArchElements.WallAxisPosition.eLeft  #(2)!
axis_prop.Distance  = 0     #(3)!
  1. The default value of this property is 0, which may cause an unexpected behavior. Therefore, set it to 1 or -1. Learn more in the API reference
  2. The default value is eUnknown, which may cause unexpected behavior.
  3. The Distance must be set accordingly! Independent from the Position!

In the second step, define the BeamProperties.

beam_prop       = AllplanArchElements.BeamProperties()
beam_prop.Width = 500

In the last step, construct the BeamElement.

axis     = AllplanGeo.Line2D(0,0,3000,0) #(1)!
beam_ele = AllplanArchElements.BeamElement(beam_prop, axis)
  1. Other curve objects, like Arc2D, are also possible:

    axis = AllplanGeo.Arc2D(AllplanGeo.Point2D(),
                            3000, 3000, 0, 0, math.pi/2)

That's it. The beam_ele can be now put into the CreateElementResult data class (if your PythonPart is implemented as script object or a standard PythonPart) or created directly with CreateElements function.

Examples on GitHub

To see the full implementation of the above mentioned classes, have a look on the examples in ...BasisExamples/Objects ( PYP | PY).

Secondary components

Secondary components are components that must have a parent component to exist. E.g. a door opening can only exist in a wall. Thus, elements with negative volume such as door opening, window opening, niche or recess fall into this group. But also some components with positive volume qualify: a flush pier can also exist only in a wall.

The table below gives you an overview of the most common components as they are presented in ALLPLAN GUI together with their representation in the ALLPLAN Python API.

ALLPLAN element API representation Read4 Modify5 Remarks
Door opening Door opening DoorOpeningElement -
Joint Joint JointElement -
Niche Niche, recess, slit, opening GeneralOpeningElement Construct it by start and end point
Polygonal niche Polygonal niche, recess, slit, opening GeneralOpeningElement Construct it by a polygon
Slab opening Recess, opening in slab SlabOpeningElement -
Window opening Window opening WindowOpeningElement -

The following class diagram shows the relationships between classes representing following types of openings: niche/recess, door, window, and slab openings.

direction LR

class AllplanElement{

class ArchElement{

class ArchBaseProperties{

class DoorOpeningElement{

class DoorOpeningProperties{

class WindowOpeningElement{

class WindowOpeningProperties{

class GeneralOpeningElement{

class GeneralOpeningProperties{

class SlabOpeningElement{

class SlabOpeningProperties{

class VerticalOpeningGeometryProperties{

class OpeningSymbolsProperties{

class VerticalOpeningRevealProperties{

class VerticalOpeningSillProperties{

class VerticalOpeningTierOffsetProperties{

class DoorSwingProperties{

class VerticalElementProperties{

ArchElement --|> AllplanElement
SlabOpeningElement --|> ArchElement
GeneralOpeningElement --|> ArchElement
DoorOpeningElement --|> ArchElement
WindowOpeningElement --|> ArchElement

SlabOpeningProperties "1" --o "*" SlabOpeningElement

SlabOpeningProperties --|> VerticalElementProperties
VerticalElementProperties --|> ArchBaseProperties

GeneralOpeningProperties "1" --o "*" GeneralOpeningElement
DoorOpeningProperties "1" --o "*" DoorOpeningElement
WindowOpeningProperties "1" --o "*" WindowOpeningElement

OpeningSymbolsProperties "1" --* "1" SlabOpeningProperties
OpeningSymbolsProperties "1" --* "1" GeneralOpeningProperties
OpeningSymbolsProperties "1" --* "1" DoorOpeningProperties
OpeningSymbolsProperties "1" --* "1" WindowOpeningProperties

VerticalOpeningGeometryProperties "1" --* "1" GeneralOpeningProperties
VerticalOpeningGeometryProperties "1" --* "1" DoorOpeningProperties
VerticalOpeningGeometryProperties "1" --* "1" WindowOpeningProperties

DoorSwingProperties "1" --* "1" DoorOpeningProperties

VerticalOpeningSillProperties "1" --* "1" GeneralOpeningProperties
VerticalOpeningSillProperties "1" --* "1" DoorOpeningProperties
VerticalOpeningSillProperties "1" --* "1" WindowOpeningProperties

VerticalOpeningRevealProperties "1" --* "1" DoorOpeningProperties
VerticalOpeningRevealProperties "1" --* "1" WindowOpeningProperties

VerticalOpeningTierOffsetProperties "1" --* "1" DoorOpeningProperties
VerticalOpeningTierOffsetProperties "1" --* "1" WindowOpeningProperties

style AllplanElement stroke:--md-accent-fg-color, stroke-dasharray: 9 5
style ArchElement stroke:--md-accent-fg-color, stroke-dasharray: 9 5
style ArchBaseProperties stroke:--md-accent-fg-color, stroke-dasharray: 9 5
style VerticalElementProperties stroke:--md-accent-fg-color, stroke-dasharray: 9 5

Here are the key outtakes from the above diagram:

  • An opening is represented by an element class (e.g. door opening by DoorOpeningElement), which has1 properties represented by a dedicated class.
  • There are two ownership levels: the property object also has2 properties for elements specific to that component, e.g. DoorOpeningProperties has DoorSwingProperties.


Let's create a niche at the side of the beam from the previous chapter. To do this, you need to create the beam first!

created_elements = AllplanBaseElements.CreateElements(doc,      #(1)!
                                                      [], None)

created_beam = BaseElementAdapterFilter.get_elements_by_type(created_elements, AllplanElementAdapter.Beam_TypeUUID)[0]
  1. Creation of the element returns a list of BaseElementAdapter, from which you have to pick the adapter pointing to the beam.

According to the table above, the niche is represented by GeneralOpeningElement, which (according to the UML diagram) has GeneralOpeningProperties. Therefore, start with defining the properties:

opening_prop = AllplanArchElements.GeneralOpeningProperties(AllplanArchElements.OpeningType.eNiche)

opening_geo_prop       = opening_prop.GetGeometryProperties() #(1)!
opening_geo_prop.Depth = 100.0

opening_prop.PlaneReferences = beam_prop.PlaneReferences #(2)!
  1. Note, that you do not construct the VerticalOpeningGeometryProperties object. It is already part of the GeneralOpeningProperties.
  2. To keep things simple, we assume the niche has the same height as the beam itself

Now all you need to do is to construct the niche element and create it in the database:

opening_ele = AllplanArchElements.GeneralOpeningElement(opening_prop,
                                                        drawPlacementPreview = False)

created_elements = AllplanBaseElements.CreateElements(doc,
                                                      [], None)


Because an opening (or any secondary element) needs an existing primary element, in order to create it you need to have the BaseElementAdapter pointing to the primary element. You can obtain it e.g. by element selection (in ALLPLAN you also have to select a slab before creating an opening in it).

You cannot implement the creation of the beam and the opening in a single transaction, which means you can implement it neither with a standard PythonPart nor with a script object PythonPart. Introducing two creation transaction is possible only in an interactor.

If your PythonPart should create only the opening (the primary component already exists), you can implement it with script object as well as with an interactor. But not with a standard PythonPart.

Example on GitHub

To see the full implementation of the above mentioned classes, have a look on the examples in ...BasisExamples/Objects ( PYP | PY).

  1. The has relationship is an aggregation: you can assign the same properties to many elements and deleting the element will not delete the properties

  2. In this case, the has relationship is a composition: a DoorOpeningProperties object consists of exactly one DoorSwingProperties, which are manipulable, but not interchangeable. Deleting the first means deleting the latter. 

  3. Please do not consider the table as a complementary list of all supported elements, as we constantly extend our API. To have a full overview, to refer to the API reference 

  4. Read access means, that you can get the python object representing this element (with all its properties) also when it exists in the DF. Refer to this article to learn in detail, how to implement it. 

  5. Modify an element means, that it is possible to change an element existing in the DF using Python API. Refer to this article to learn in detail, how to implement it. 
