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Release Notes


  • An element modification can now be done on following objects:

    Element Representation in API
    Block foundation BlockFoundationElement
    Polygonal niche/recess GeneralOpeningElement
    Room RoomElement
  • Improvements to ALLPLAN Extension Packages (Allep):

    • Plugin can now be updated by simple drag-and-drop of the new .allep file into ALLPLAN
    • A progress bar is shown during the installation/update/uninstallation
  • Refactored class 'SectionFill' facilitates assigning surface properties to 3D objects. Learn more here.

  • Extensive description on how to implement handles in an interactor PythonPart has been created. You can access it here.
  • When an installation of an Allep package failed because the package was invalid, now a meaningful message is shown to help you understand, what needs to be fixed.
  • Bug fix: Initializing a parameter of type RefPointButton as a list does not result in an error anymore.


  • ALLPLAN Extension Packages (Allep) can now be uninstalled by the user with the Allep Uninstaller located in
    Library -> Default -> AllepPlugins -> AllplanGmbH -> AllepManagement AllepUninstaller
  • It is now possible to modify new kinds of architectural elements using Python API. How this element modification should be implemented, is shown in this article. The table below shows the new element types, that can be modified:

    Element Representation in API
    Beam BeamElement
    Column ColumnElement
    Door opening DoorOpeningElement
    Niche/recess GeneralOpeningElement
    Wall WallElement
    Window opening WindowOpeningElement
  • Strip foundation and block foundation can now be created using Python API. Refer to the documentation of the StripFoundationElement and BlockFoundationElement class.

  • It is now possible to create rebar labels through the API also for those rebars, that already exist in the model (e.g. were created using native functionality). Refer to the documentation of the new BarsRepresentation class and to the example LabelBarPlacementWithDimLine ( PYP | PY). Detailed manual will follow soon.

  • It is now possible to dock your PythonPart to an existing docking point. Learn more in this article.

  • New value type SurfaceElementProperties allows you to place a control for setting up hatching/filling/patterns of architectural components. Learn more here and here.

  • It is now possible to use associative framework to get the element associated with given element. This simplifies the process of associating a PythonPart with another element, which is described in detail in this article

  • It is now possible to create a beam with an assigned profile using the newly exposed property property BeamProperties.ProfileFullName

  • With the new method GetNorms it is now possible to get the IDs and names of available reinforcement norms.

  • Extended description of how to read data from reinforcement elements is now available here.

  • Bug fixes:

    • Assigning a profile to a column using the ColumnProperties.ProfileFullName was causing an error.
    • Creating a SweepBarPlacement or ExtrudeBarPlacement with a straight bar in the list of cross rebars was causing a crash.
    • Creating a niche/recess in an entity-based wall (a wall, in which the axis is different than a line, e.g. a spline or arc) using API call was causing a crash.