The value type PictureResourceButton is used to create a button with a picture from an Allplan internal image.

The button must be included in a Row, because there are two texts needed. One as description text on the left side and one for the tooltip text.
After clicking the button, the value of <EventId> can be processed by the function on_control_event in the PythonPart script (.py) file.
The <Value> tag defines the ID of the Allplan internal image resource, which is used to display the image in the button.
The value of the <Text> tag from the Button <Parameter> is displayed as a tooltip on the button.
Optional tags¶
Sometimes it’s useful to disable or hide the picture resource button depending on the value of another parameter. This is achieved by adding additional tags to the parameter or by defining functions in the py-file. See Enable and visible options
The implementation of the PictureResourceButton value type is described in the example Button, which is located in