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Canonical path: NemAll_Python_Precast.LegendProperties


  • __init__

    Overloaded function. See individual overloads.


  • EntryNr (None) –

    Entry number of legend props

  • FileEntrPath (None) –

    File entry path of legend props

  • FileNr (None) –

    File number of legend props

  • MaxHeight (None) –

    Max height of legend props

  • MaxWidth (None) –

    Max width of legend props

EntryNr property

EntryNr: None

Entry number of legend props

Value type: int

:type: None

FileEntrPath property

FileEntrPath: None

File entry path of legend props

Value type: EFileEntryPath enum

:type: None

FileNr property

FileNr: None

File number of legend props

Value type: int

:type: None

MaxHeight property

MaxHeight: None

Max height of legend props

Value type: double

:type: None

MaxWidth property

MaxWidth: None

Max width of legend props

Value type: double

:type: None

__init__ overloaded



    fileEntryPath: FileEntryPath,
    fileNr: int,
    entryNr: int,
    maxHeight: float,
    maxWidth: float,
