Handle creation¶
The general creation of a handle for a PythonPart parameter like
can be done with the class HandleProperties
as follows:
handle_slope = HandleProperties("Slope",
point1 + AllplanGeo.Point3D(build_ele.SlopeX.value, build_ele.SlopeY.value, 0),
[HandleParameterData("SlopeX", HandleParameterType.X_DISTANCE, show_input_controls),
HandleParameterData("SlopeY", HandleParameterType.Y_DISTANCE, show_input_controls)],
HandleDirection.XYZ_DIR, False)
handle_slope.info_text = "Slope handle"
If the parameter is a Python list e.g. of Point3D like
the handle must be assigned to an index of the list:
for index, pnt in enumerate(build_ele.PolyPoints.value):
handle_list.append(HandleProperties("PolyPoints", pnt, AllplanGeo.Point3D(),
[HandleParameterData("PolyPoints", HandleParameterType.POINT, False,
list_index = index)],
The examples in the Examples section describe the handle creation in more specific details.