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Canonical path: NemAll_Python_BasisElements.DimensionProperties

Properties of the dimension line as well as the elevation points.


  • __init__

    dummy, is only needed for the creation of the documentation by MkDocs


ElevationBaseOffset property

ElevationBaseOffset: None

Property for the elevation base offset

:type: None

FontIDDimensionNumber property

FontIDDimensionNumber: None

Property for the font ID of the dimension number

:type: None

IsAbsoluteElevation property

IsAbsoluteElevation: None

Whether to use the absolute elevation values

LeadingCharacter property

LeadingCharacter: None

Property for the leading characters

:type: None

PointSymbol property

PointSymbol: None

Property for the point symbol of the elevation

:type: None

PointSymbolEnd property

PointSymbolEnd: None

Property for the point symbol at the start of the dimension line

:type: None

PointSymbolStart property

PointSymbolStart: None

Property for the point symbol at the start of the dimension line

:type: None

TailingCharacters property

TailingCharacters: None

Property for the tailing characters

:type: None

TextHeightDimensionNumber property

TextHeightDimensionNumber: None

Property for the height of the dimension number

:type: None

TextLocation property

TextLocation: None

The location of the dimension number

TextOffset property

TextOffset: None

Offset of text from dimension line

:type: None

__init__ overloaded



__init__(arg2: DocumentAdapter, arg3: Dimensioning)

Default constructor

__init__(arg2: DimensionProperties)
